THE Lions Clubs International District 301-E under global services chairman Atty. Mart Maandig held a medical outreach July 31 at Agusan gym in Cagayan de Oro City.
More than 700 persons benefited from the activity who availed of free diabetes screening and medical consultation.

A separate number of hundreds of students from Agusan Elementary School also benefited from feeding and were given free educational supplies.
The activity was held in partnership with the barangay council of Agusan led by barangay chairman Andrew Melliza.

In gratitude, people from Agusan who were victims of past calamities also received relief goods.
Participating clubs from Lions Clubs International District 301-E are Lions Club of Cagayan de Oro, Lapasan Lions Club, Davao City Mt. Talomo Lions Club, CDO Metro Lions Club, CDO Macajalar Bay Lions Club and CDO Executive Lions Club.