In partnership with the Cagayan De Oro-based Oro Youth Development Office (OYDO), PLDT and Smart are championing digital empowerment among the youth. The initiative includes a workshop on digital communications strategies, content creation for youth leaders, community awareness and inclusive changemaking, as well as video storytelling.
“Digital wellness is among our corporate shared value programs in PLDT and Smart. It’s important for us to work together as a community to raise mental health awareness and empower the youth to become its advocates. Through our Better Today program, we believe in the power of the youth to become agents of becoming better digital citizens today,” said Judee Chaves, Mindanao Relations Head for PLDT and Smart.
The digital empowerment workshop is the first part of OYDO’s upcoming initiative to create mental health awareness campaigns for their communities.
The workshop featured Eli Mendoza, PLDT and Smart Senior Manager for Digital Communications, who talked about ways to utilize social media and knowing which platforms to use when it comes to promoting advocacies and creating wider reach.
Linya-Linya Co-founder Ali Sangalang also joined the conversation on digital empowerment by sharing how content creation can become powerful when it resonates well with other people. According to Ali, authenticity can come a long way when it comes to creating content because it serves as an important reminder of sharing your story telling your truth to the world.
LinyaLinya_Ali Sangalang on creating content on youth leadership
“This collaboration with PLDT and Smart provides us with much needed support in strengthening our mental health efforts in our communities. We believe that mental health is an important part of our daily lives. We want to empower our youth to be the best versions of themselves. We want to start making impactful changes today in order to ensure a better tomorrow for the next generation,” said Lord Saver Centina, Oro Youth Development Office Head.
Promoting digital wellness is a key part of PLDT and Smart’s continuing commitment to help the Philippines contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) #3 that stands for good health and well-being.